Apple iOS 7.1 patches 41 vulnerabilities

Apple iOS 7.1 patches 41 vulnerabilities

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2014032126
Date: 2013-03-11

According to "zdnet", iOS 7.1, released today, fixes 41 vulnerabilities in the most recent version of the operating system.
The Webkit browser engine used by the Safari browser accounts for 19 of the vulnerabilities, and nine of these were reported to Apple by the Google Chrome Security Team. Any of the 19 could be used by a remote attacker to take user control of the device. Combined with a privilege escalation exploit, the user could take administrative control.
An especially interesting vulnerability is in dyld, OS X's dynamic linker/loader. The impact is "Text relocation instructions in dynamic libraries may be loaded by dyld without code signature validation. This issue was addressed by ignoring text relocation instructions."
Even more interesting, Apple credits "evad3rs" for this vulnerability.
It's not uncommon for Apple to patch vulnerabilities which were disclosed long ago. Several of the Webkit vulnerabilities date to last fall, but one (CVE-2012-2088), was reported in June, 2012. Apple patched it in OS X in March of 2013.
