Twitter fixes 'rare' bug that made protected accounts readable, affecting 93,000 users

Twitter fixes 'rare' bug that made protected accounts readable, affecting 93,000 users

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2014032125
Date: 2013-03-11

According to "zdnet", twitter has squashed a "rare" bug that allowed non-approved followers to access the hidden tweets of tens of thousands of its users.
The microblogging firm said in a blog post on Sunday that 93,788 protected accounts — streams that are not ordinarily visible except to those that user follows — were viewable via text messages. The white hat community helped "discover and diagnose" the bug, the blog post read.
Twitter said it had also "removed all of these unapproved follows," as well as additional steps to prevent similar bugs occurring in the future.
It said those hit by the bug were emailed to inform them of the bug, and to apologize.
Last week, Twitter suffered another error that resulted in a false number of password-reset messages sent out to many users, sister-site CNET reported.
