Microsoft confirms law enforcement docs stolen during recent hacks

Microsoft confirms law enforcement docs stolen during recent hacks

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2014022086
Date: 2013-02-01

According to "itpro",a recent spate of cyber attacks against Microsoft has resulted in sensitive documents being stolen, the software giant has confirmed.
The vendor has been subjected to a series of attacks in recent weeks by a group claiming to be affiliated with the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA). These have resulted in its company blogs, social networking feeds and internal email accounts being hijacked.Up to now, the reason for the attacks has been unknown.
“It appears that documents associated with law enforcement inquiries were stolen,” Hall revealed.
In a further blog post, independent security expert Graham Cluley suggested the stolen documents could contain the information requests Microsoft receives from governments about specific users.
“Once again, questions will be asked as to whether large organisations are taking enough steps to properly protect the most sensitive information,” said Cluley.
