Most Malware Infections Come from the Web, Not Email

Most Malware Infections Come from the Web, Not Email

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2014012078
Date: 2014-01-18

According to “InternetNews”, a new study from Trustwave conducted by Osterman Research shows that for most organizations Web surfing is the top entry point for malware.
There are a number of different ways malware can be introduced into an enterprise. The report found that 74 percent of respondents got a malware infection through Web surfing. In contrast, 64 percent said email was the route by which they had been infected by malware. Only 14 blamed social media or Web 2.0 applications for malware infecting their networks.
Mike Park, managing consultant at Trustwave, told eSecurity Planet that infections from the Web are nothing new. Many enterprises have already tried to curtail Web-based attacks by restricting where employees and inside users can surf.
