Yahoo serves malicious ads

Yahoo serves malicious ads

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2014012060
Date: 2013-01-06

According to "zdnet", according to Fox-IT, a security product and service company in the Netherlands, computers visiting on January 3 were served malware from the Yahoo ad network (
Fresh analysis indicates that Yahoo has a handle on the problem and that the attack traffic has decreased substantially.
The ads were in the form of IFRAMEs hosted on the following domains:

  • (, registered on 1 Jan 2014
  • (, registered on 1 Jan 2014
  • (
  • (
  • (

The ads redirect the user to a site using the Magnitude exploit kit, all of which appears to come from a single IP address in the Netherlands. (Perhaps this relates to why Fox-IT's customers were affected so quickly.)
The exploit kit at the site exploits vulnerabilities in Java on the client to install a variety of malware:

  • ZeuS
  • Andromeda
  • Dorkbot/Ngrbot
  • Advertisement clicking malware
  • Tinba/Zusy
  • Necurs

Fox-IT's research shows the 83% of the attacks in Romania, Great Britain, France and Pakistan;
Fox-IT recommends blocking the 192.133.137/24 and 193.169.245/24 subnets until further information is available.
