Skype's social media accounts targeted by hacker group

Skype's social media accounts targeted by hacker group

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2014012057
Date: 2013-01-04

According to "techworld", skype said its social media properties were targeted, with a group styling itself as the Syrian Electronic Army appearing to claim credit for the hacks.
"You may have noticed our social media properties were targeted today," Skype said in a Twitter message late Wednesday. "No user info was compromised. We're sorry for the inconvenience."
Skype's Twitter account, blog and Facebook page appeared to have been attacked by the SEA, a group that supports the Syrian government, according to reports. The Skype blog was still inaccessible late Wednesday and redirected users to the Skype home page.
The SEA has targeted previously many high-profile websites and Twitter accounts. In August, an attack purportedly by SEA on Melbourne IT, an Australian domain registrar, affected the websites of The New York Times, Twitter and other top companies.
