'Blackshades' malware still being sold, Symantec says

'Blackshades' malware still being sold, Symantec says

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013112029
Date: 2013-11-30

According to "computerworld", cybercriminals are increasingly using the "Blackshades" malware program whose source code was leaked three years ago, according to an analysis by Symantec.
Blackshades, which Symantec identifies as "W32.Shadesrat," has been infecting more Microsoft Windows computers and is being controlled by hundreds of command-and-control servers worldwide, which deliver instructions and receive information, wrote Santiago Cortes, a security response engineer at Symantec, in a blog post.
Blackshades is a remote access tool (RAT) that collects usernames and passwords for email and Web services, instant messaging applications, FTP clients and more. It has been sold on underground forums since at least 2010.
It's common for hackers to use remote access tools, which can be used to upload other malware to a computer or manipulate files. To avoid antivirus software, the programs are often frequently modified.
