Adobe hacked, 3 million accounts compromised

Adobe hacked, 3 million accounts compromised

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013101973
Date: 2013-10-05

According to "cnet", Adobe announced on Thursday that it has been the target of a major security breach in which sensitive and personal data about millions of its customers have been put at risk.
Brad Arkin, senior director of security for Adobe products and services, explained in a blog post that the attack concerns both customer information and illegal access to source codes for "numerous Adobe products."
Unfortunately, the culprits have obtained access to a large swath of Adobe customer IDs and encrypted passwords.
Arkin specified that removed sensitive information (i.e. names, encrypted credit or debit card numbers, expiration dates, etc.) about approximately 2.9 million Adobe customers.
He added that investigators don't "believe the attackers removed decrypted credit or debit card numbers" from Adobe's systems.
Adobe is resetting the passwords on breached Adobe customer IDs, and users will receive an email if they are affected.
