iOS 7 lock screen bypass flaw discovered, and how to fix it

iOS 7 lock screen bypass flaw discovered, and how to fix it

تاریخ ایجاد

Number: IRCNE2013091964
Date: 2013/09/20

According to “zdnet”, just one day after Apple's latest mobile operating system iOS 7 was released to the public, one user discovered a security vulnerability in the software's lock screen.
In a video posted online, Canary Islands-based soldier Jose Rodriguez detailed the flaw, which allowed him to access the multitasking view of the software without entering a passcode. With this, it's apparent which apps are open and how many notifications there are, as well as the device's home screen.
All devices were exploited in the same way with the lock screen bypass technique, and all devices acted in exactly the same fashion.
However, upon further examination, it's possible to access an array of photos under the Camera Roll, and thus access to sharing features — including Twitter.
Despite the flaw, iOS 7 patches 80 security vulnerabilities, according to ZDNet's Larry Seltzer.
Rodriguez also found a bug in iOS 6.1.3, which allowed potential hackers to access an iPhone running vulnerable software by ejecting the SIM card tray.
Until Apple issues an official fix, iOS 7 users can simply disabling access to the Control Center on the lock screen.
