Oracle finally adds whitelisting capabilities to Java

Oracle finally adds whitelisting capabilities to Java

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013091958
Date: 2013-09-14

According to “ComputerWorld”, Oracle added a feature in Java that lets companies control what specific Java applets are allowed to run on their endpoint computers, which could help them better manage Java security risks.
The new feature is called the "Deployment Rule Set" and was added in Java 7 Update 40 (Java 7u40) that was released Tuesday.
Many home users can protect themselves from attacks targeting Java by disabling the Java plug-in in their browsers or uninstalling the software completely. However, most companies can't do this, because their employees need access to Web-based, business-critical applications that require Java support.
Many companies can't upgrade to new Java versions for compatibility reasons, which increases the risk of their computers being compromised through Java exploits while their employees surf the Web.
Security researchers criticized Oracle in the past for not adding a whitelisting feature in Java that could be used to only allow specific applets chosen by the user to run inside the browser. It seems that the company listened and the new "Deployment Rule Set" feature can now be used to do that.
The feature gives system administrators fine-grained control over the execution of applets by allowing them to create an XML file with rules for how known applets should be handled by the Java plug-in.
