Google Play store inundated with scam apps, Symantec says

Google Play store inundated with scam apps, Symantec says

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013071909
Date: 2013-07-31

According to “ComputerWorldUK”, a steady stream of questionable applications is flowing daily into Google's Play store for Android devices, according to security vendor Symantec.
Over the last seven months, Symantec found more than 1,200 suspicious applications in the Play store. Google removes many shortly after they're published, but others stay in the store for a few days.
"Although they have short lives, the apps must provide ample profit for the scammers as they show no signs of halting their development of new ones," wrote Joji Hamada of Symantec.
The applications can be difficult to assess and employ a series of maneuvers and layers in order to attempt to rip off users.
Hamada wrote one application aims to get users to subscribe to an online adult video site at a cost of more than US$3,000 a year. The application's sole purpose is to launch a link to an adult website.
The website then asks the user to register in order to play videos. An email form is drafted, and the user is asked to hit send. The email, sent to the user, contains a link to another service on a different website.
This time, the user is prompted to enter a password. If that button is clicked, the phone is supplied with a number. When called, the number gives out a password. The person is then given registration details and told of a ¥315,000 ($3,200) annual fee that is due within three days.
Apple closely examines applications submitted for its App Store, which has kept its marketplace relatively free of malware. Google also scans applications in the Play store. It also added a feature to the latest 4.3 version of the Android OS that scans any application for malicious code.
