Oracle's July patch release includes 27 fixes for remote exploits

Oracle's July patch release includes 27 fixes for remote exploits

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013071904
Date: 2013-07-17

According to “ComputerWorld”, Oracle said on Tuesday that its monthly round of patches for July includes 89 fixes, 27 of which address remotely exploitable vulnerabilities in four widely used products.
The most serious, remotely exploitable vulnerabilities affect the Oracle Database, its Fusion Middleware, the Oracle and Sun Systems Product Suite, and the MySQL database, wrote Eric P. Maurice, director of Oracle Software Security Assurance.
"As usual, Oracle recommends that customers apply this Critical Patch Update as soon as possible," he wrote.
Fusion Middleware has 21 fixes, 16 of which are remotely exploitable. One of the fixes concerns JRockit, the Java Virtual Machine in Fusion Middleware. The vulnerability is related to a series of Java issues patched in Oracle's June updates for Java SE (Server Edition), Maurice wrote.
Oracle said earlier this year it would begin issuing Java updates with its monthly patch updates starting in October. The move came after several zero-day vulnerabilities affecting Java browser plug-ins were discovered, prompting a close look at Java's security.
Maurice also wrote that the latest round of patches address "a series of known bugs in Oracle HTTP server."
The remainder of the patches repair issues in Oracle's Hyperion, Enterprise Manager Grid Control, E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft Enterprise, Industry Applications, Supply Chain Products Suite and VM products.
