Android threats growing in number and complexity, report says

Android threats growing in number and complexity, report says

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013051846
Date: 2013-05-15

According to "computerworld", the Android threat landscape is growing in both size and complexity with cybercriminals adopting new distribution methods and building Android-focused malware services, according to a report from Finnish security vendor F-Secure.
The number of mobile threats has increased by nearly 50 percent during the first three months of 2013, from 100 to 149 families and variants, F-Secure said in its Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013 that was released on Tuesday. Over 91 percent of those threats target the Android platform and the rest target Symbian.
"While the raw amount of Android malware continues to rise significantly, it is the increased commoditization of those malware that is the more worrying trend," the F-Secure researchers said in the report.
Traditionally, Android malware writers have tricked mobile users into installing malicious applications on their devices by passing them off as legitimate apps on Google Play or third-party app stores. According to the F-Secure researchers, the new email-based distribution method now extends the risk of malware infection to Android users who are not actively searching for new apps, but are regularly checking email from their phones and tablets.
However, not only financially motivated cybercriminals have started using email to distribute Android malware -- hacker groups behind targeted attacks do it too.
