Google to make 2-factor authentication compulsory

Google to make 2-factor authentication compulsory

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013051841
Date: 2013-05-11

According to “ITPro”, Google plans to make 2-factor authentication compulsory for all users, and display notifications when "risky" behaviour is carried out on Android devices.
Eric Sachs, group product manager at Google said the firm is making aggressive changes to its login system, as he detailed in a five year plan.
“The users who have not enabled our strict 2-factor login will be will be asked to pass a 2-factor challenge on nearly all sign-ins,” he noted in a draft of the Stronger Consumer Authentication report.
“If they [users] don’t have their phone with them they can still go through account recovery (which requires changing their password), and we will experiment with allowing them to pass some other risk-based challenges without needing to change their password.”
Sachs noted that Google is experimenting on displaying notifications to users when risky behavior is carried out. Users logging in from an unusual location or transferring/withdrawing substantial sums of money, will be required to pass advanced authentication such as knowledge tests, facial recognition scans, or even a fingerprint test.
