New adware Trojan circulating that targets Mac OS X systems

New adware Trojan circulating that targets Mac OS X systems

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013031790
Date: 2013-03-21

According to "cnet", a new Mac OS X Trojan is making the rounds, installing an adware plug-in that renders ads on Web pages to generate revenue for its author.
Dubbed Trojan.Yontoo.1, it is the most prominent of an increasing number of adware Trojans making the rounds, according to Russian antivirus company Dr. Web, the same company that discovered the Flashback virus last year.
"Criminals profit from affiliate ad network programs, and their interest in users of Apple-compatible computers grows day by day," Dr. Web said yesterday in a statement. "Recently discovered, Trojan.Yontoo.1 can serve as a striking example of such software."
The Trojan has a number of avenues for installation, perhaps the most interesting of which is a series of specially crafted movie trailers that include a dialog box that imitates a common prompt for plug-in installation. Once the "install plug-in" button is clicked, victims are redirected to a site where the Trojan is downloaded.
Trojan.Yontoo.1 can also be downloaded as a media player, a video quality enhancement program, or a download accelerator, Dr. Web said.
Once launched, the Trojan generates a dialog box that offers to install Free Twit Tube. After users presses "continue," the Trojan downloads the Yontoo adware plug-in for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
