Shellshock attacks mail servers

Shellshock attacks mail servers

تاریخ ایجاد

Number: IRCNE2014112359
Date: 2014/11/01

According to “zdnet”, reports are emerging that attacks are being performed against SMTP servers using the Shellshock bug. The campaign seeks to create an IRC botnet for DDOS attacks and other purposes.
Shellshock emerged about a month ago and immediately was recognized widely as a serious problem.
The bug had been in the Bash shell for 20 years and was widely deployed in a configuration that made it easy to exploit.
This SMTP vector is a good example of the problem, as mail servers are often left untouched for long periods.
Writing about the attacks, CSO says they have found one the IRC servers used to host the bots. On October 24 it had 160 compromised servers connected to it.
