Future Java 7 patches will work on Windows XP despite end of official support

Future Java 7 patches will work on Windows XP despite end of official support

تاریخ ایجاد

Number: IRCNE2014072254
Date: 2014-07-15

According to “computerworld”, Oracle has dispelled rumors that the upcoming security update for Java 7 and those it will release in the future might not work on Windows XP.
"We expect all versions of Java that were supported prior to the Microsoft de-support announcement to continue to work on Windows XP for the foreseeable future," said Henrik Stahl, vice-president of product management in the Java Platform Group at Oracle, in a blog post Friday.
The next security updates for Java 7 will be released Tuesday and will address 20 security issues that can be exploited remotely without authentication.
Microsoft ended general support for Windows XP on April 8, leaving users of the 12-year-old OS without access to future security updates. As a result, Oracle announced earlier this year that it too will stop providing official support for Windows XP.
If Oracle had stopped issuing working Java 7 security updates for Windows XP, it would have forced users of the OS to run outdated and vulnerable versions of the software, but according to Stahl, that won't happen.
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet," he said in the blog post, referring to rumors that the Java 7 security update will not work on the aging OS. Windows XP users will continue to receive automatic security updates for Java 7 until at least April 2015, when public updates for this version of Java are scheduled to stop, he said.
