New zero day vulnerability identified in all versions of IE

New zero day vulnerability identified in all versions of IE

تاریخ ایجاد

Date: 2014-04-27

According to “cnet”, a new zero day vulnerability that resides in all versions of Internet Explorer has been spotted in the wild, Microsoft confirmed late Saturday.
The vulnerability, which could allow remote code execution, is being used in "limited, targeted attacks," according to an advisory issued by Microsoft. While all versions of the web browser, IE 6 through 11, are affected by the vulnerability, attacks are currently targeting IE versions 9, 10 and 11, according to security firm FireEye, which first reported the flaw Friday.
The attack leverages a previously unknown "use after free" vulnerability and bypasses both Windows DEP (Data Execution Prevention) and ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) protections, according to FireEye.
The vulnerability is currently being exploited by a group of hackers targeting financial and defense organization in the US, FireEye told CNET.
FireEye said the flaw was significant because it affects more than a quarter of the total browser market.
"Collectively, in 2013, the vulnerable versions of IE accounted for 26.25% of the browser market," FireEye said in its advisory.
Microsoft said it is investigating the vulnerability and may issue an out-of-cycle security update to address the issue.
