5-year-old hacks Xbox, now he's a Microsoft 'security researcher'

5-year-old hacks Xbox, now he's a Microsoft 'security researcher'

تاریخ ایجاد

Date: 2014-04-04

According to “computerworld”, a 5-year-old San Diego boy has been commended by Microsoft for his security skills after finding a vulnerability in the company's Xbox games console.
Kristoffer Von Hasssel's parents noticed earlier this year that he was logged into his father's Xbox Live account and playing games he was not supposed to.
He hadn't stolen his father's password. Instead, he stumbled upon a very basic vulnerability that Microsoft is said to have now fixed.
After typing an incorrect password, Kristoffer was taken to a password verification screen. There, he simply tapped the space bar a few times, hit "enter" and was let into his father's account.
The password allowed him to access not only the games but everything else on the Xbox, including a non-age-restricted YouTube account, his father, Robert Davies, said by telephone Friday.
Kristoffer's name is now listed among Microsoft's March list of security researchers who have disclosed vulnerabilities in its products.
