Firefox 14 fixes 5 critical security vulnerabilities

Firefox 14 fixes 5 critical security vulnerabilities

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012071559
Date: 2012-07-21

According to "zdnet", The newest version of Mozilla Foundation's flagship Firefox browser fixes 5 critical security vulnerabilities.
More details on the patched vulnerabilities:

  • MFSA 2012-56 - Code execution through javascript: URLs
  • MFSA 2012-55 - feed: URLs with an innerURI inherit security context of page
  • MFSA 2012-54 - Clickjacking of certificate warning page
  • MFSA 2012-53 - Content Security Policy 1.0 implementation errors cause data leakage
  • MFSA 2012-52 - JSDependentString::undepend string conversion results in memory corruption
  • MFSA 2012-51 - X-Frame-Options header ignored when duplicated
  • MFSA 2012-50 - Out of bounds read in QCMS
  • MFSA 2012-49 - Same-compartment Security Wrappers can be bypassed
  • MFSA 2012-48 - use-after-free in nsGlobalWindow::PageHidden
  • MFSA 2012-47 - Improper filtering of javascript in HTML feed-view
  • MFSA 2012-46 - XSS through data: URLs
  • MFSA 2012-45 - Spoofing issue with location
  • MFSA 2012-44 - Gecko memory corruption
  • MFSA 2012-43 - Incorrect URL displayed in addressbar through drag and drop
  • MFSA 2012-42 - Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:14.0/ rv:10.0.6)

Users are advised to update to the latest version immediatelly.
Related Link:
Mozilla Firefox Multiple Vulnerabilities
