Google patches 43 security flaws in latest Chrome update

Google patches 43 security flaws in latest Chrome update

تاریخ ایجاد

Number: IRCNE2015072577
Date: 2015/07/25

According to “zdnet”, on Wednesday, Google pushed Chrome 44 for Windows, Mac and Linux to the stable channel and for public release. As part of the Chrome 44.0.2403.89 update, 43 bugs have been fixed, with many of the bugs submitted by external researchers.
The most critical issues include universal cross-site scripting (UXSS) flaws in Chrome for Android and the Chrome Blink layout engine, heap-buffer-overflow errors, a flaw which allows executable files to run immediately after download and a content security policy (CSP) bypass in the Chrome browser.
In addition, Chrome's security team patched a variety of problems based on internal audits and fuzzing.
In June, Google released an update which solved security flaws including two cross-origins bypass flaws and a scheme validation error.
