New Mac OS X malware variant detected

New Mac OS X malware variant detected

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012031437
Date: 2012-03-17

According to “ZDNet”, security researchers from Intego, have intercepted a new variant of the Imuler trojan horse targeting Mac OS X users.
The latest version of the Imuler.C trojan attempts to trick end and corporate users into thinking that they’re downloading and about to view image files. The trojan horse circulates using .zip archives named “Pictures and the Ariticle of Renzin” and “FHM Feb Cover Girl Irina Shayk H-Res”.
According to the researchers, the malware authors are relying on a known social engineering tactic and the default Mac OS X settings, where full file extensions are not displayed by default, hence the use of image icons for application files.
Once executed, the malware performs the following actions:
The malware installs a backdoor at /tmp/.mdworker, along with other files in this directory. A process called .mdworker then launches; the mdworker process (not the absence of the . before the name) is a processed used by Spotlight to index files.A launchagent file is also installed at ~/library/LaunchAgents/checkvir.plist, along with an executable in the same folder, ensuring that the malware launches when the user logs into his or her Mac, or starts it up. After a restart, the .mdworker process is deleted, and the checkvir executable launches.This malware searches for user data, and attempts to upload it to a server. It also takes screenshots and sends them to the server. It creates a unique identifier for the specific Mac to be able to link the Mac and the data it collects. We have seen that this malware is active, as it connects to a remote server and downloads new executables.
End users are advised to turn on the feature that’s showing all filename extensions in order to differentiate between real image files and applications, such as the Imuler.C trojan, and to submit suspicious files to the popular VirusTotal service in order to ensure that they’re malware-free.
