Twitter get secured

Twitter get secured

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2012021404
Date: 2012-02-15

Twitter has turned on HTTPS by default, offering 128-bit encryption for users connecting to its service.
The company had originally offered the option for users to use HTTPS when browsing but this had to be turned on via a partially-hidden setting.
Now comes the announcement that the security setting in on b default:
Last year, we added the option to always use HTTPS when accessing on the web. This setting makes your Twitter experience more secure by protecting your information, and it’s especially helpful if you use Twitter over an unsecured Internet connection like a public wi-fi network.
Now, HTTPS will be on by default for all users, whenever you sign in to If you prefer not use it, you can turn it off on your Account Settings page. HTTPS is one of the best ways to keep your account safe and it will only get better as we continue to improve HTTPS support on our web and mobile clients.

Related Links:
Google offers encrypted Web search
Microsoft beefs up Outlook-to-Hotmail security
