E-mail viruses most likely to appear in the morning

E-mail viruses most likely to appear in the morning

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012021399
Date: 2012-02-12

According to "cnet", the number of viruses sent out each day peaks between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. EST, according to the Global Security Report released by security research firm Trustwave this week.
"The number of executables and viruses sent in the early morning hours increased," reads the report.
Using real-world data collected in 2011 from more than 300 incident response and forensic investigations in 18 countries, along with analyzing 16 billion e-mails from 2008 to 2011, Trustwave compiled this in-depth report that looks at security trends, vulnerabilities, and more.
Trustwave also looked into which month of the year more viruses were sent and concluded that viruses shot up in August and reached a peak in September. Overall, 3 percent of viruses sent through e-mail came in August and September.
"The time from compromise to detection in most environments is about six months," reads the report. "Therefore, if these methods were successful, March 2012 should be a busy month for incident responders and breach disclosures."
