Google Chrome update

Google Chrome update

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012011383
Date: 2012-01-25

According to “Computerworld” Google on Monday patched four vulnerabilities in Chrome, and disclosed that it had patched a fifth two weeks ago. The refresh of Chrome 16 was the second security-related update for the browser this month.
One of the five bugs Google said had been quashed was actually a leftover from the Jan. 9 update. According to a blog post by Anthony Laforge, a Chrome program manager, that flaw was actually patched two weeks ago, but "[was] accidentally excluded from the release notes" at the time.
The vulnerability was the most serious of the five, rating a "critical" ranking, Google's top threat label.
The critical bug caused the browser to crash when users saw Chrome's anti-malicious site warning and then refreshed the page. Researcher Chamal de Silva reported the vulnerability in mid-December 2011.
Three of the remaining vulnerabilities which were rated as "high" threats, were reported by two other researchers.
Chrome accounted for 19.1% of all browsers used last month, a record for Google, according to Web metrics firm Net Application. Chrome 16, the current stable edition, can be downloaded from Google's website.
