Android users hit by scareware scam

Android users hit by scareware scam

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012011371
Date: 2012-01-10

According to "zdnet", Security researchers from Kaspersky Labs have intercepted a scareware variant targeting Android users, distributed as an Opera Virus Scanner.
According to Kaspersky:
Both web pages claim that the user’s device might be infected and that somebody has access to personal data and then will ask the user to check his or her device for malware. This web page never ‘finds’ malware on a SIM card but messages, calls, apps, browser history, storage and system files have threats, malware and are remotely accessible.
If the user clicks on the link, they’ll be asked to download VirusScanner.apk, which is currently detected as Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.Scavir. If the user is using a non-Android device, they’ll be asked to download VirusScanner.jar currently detected as Trojan-SMS.J2ME.Agent.ij.
The migration of scareware also known as fake antivirus software to mobile platforms, was a logical development largely anticipated by industry watchers.
