200 GB of sensitive information is stolen from a U.S. security think tank

200 GB of sensitive information is stolen from a U.S. security think tank

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2011121355
Date: 2011-12-27

Anonymous is claiming to have stolen 200GB worth of data, including e-mails and clients' credit card information, from a U.S.-based security think tank, the Associated Press reported today.
The hacking group also used Twitter to post a link to a list of clients apparently belonging to think tank Stratfor Global Intelligence.
"Not so private and secret anymore?" read one of numerous tweets from AnonymousIRC, a Twitter account linked to Anonymous.
This morning Stratfor's site was down. A notice reads: "Site is currently undergoing maintenance."
Stratfor apparently said in an e-mail to members that it had suspended its servers and e-mail following a hack.
"We have reason to believe that the names of our corporate subscribers have been posted on other web sites," said the e-mail, which was obtained by the Associated Press via subscribers. "We are diligently investigating the extent to which subscriber information may have been obtained."
Anonymous claims it was able to steal the credit card data because it was unencrypted.
Stratfor's long list of clients includes the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and Miami Police Department, the AP reported.
