SMS flaw reportedly found in Windows Phone 7.5

SMS flaw reportedly found in Windows Phone 7.5

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011121344
Date: 2011-12-13

According to "cnet", Devices running Microsoft's Window Phone are susceptible to a denial-of-service attack that disables their messaging function, a tipster has told
A malicious SMS sent to a Windows Phone 7.5 device will force it to reboot and lock down the messaging hub. WinRumors said tests revealed that the flaw affected a variety of devices running different builds of the mobile operating system.
So far, the only solution to the messaging hub bug appears to be a hard reset and wipe of the device.
Researchers also uncovered an SMS implementation flaw that they exploited to temporarily crash Android phones. Apple and Google patched those vulnerabilities. Microsoft representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but WinRumors says it is working with the tipster to privately reveal the flaw to Microsoft.
