'Duqu' zero-day Windows flaw patched this week

'Duqu' zero-day Windows flaw patched this week

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011121341
Date: 2011-12-13

According to "techworld", Microsoft will tomorrow patch the zero-day kernel Word vulnerability exploited by the mysterious Duqu malware, more than a month after its existence was first made public.
Microsoft responded within a week of the flaw becoming public in early November with a potentially inconvenient workaround that disabled some elements of TrueType, although Duqu itself was quickly detectible by security software from a range of vendors.
All versions of Windows from XP onwards will need to be patched for the flaw. In total, Microsoft will use the Christmas 2011 Patch Tuesday to fix 20 vulnerabilities across 14 updates.
Zero-day vulnerabilities with a hook into the Windows kernel are a rarity these days and Duqu’s use of it has attracted considerable comment.
