Mozilla makes progress on Firefox silent updates

Mozilla makes progress on Firefox silent updates

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011111317
Date: 2011-11-20

According to "computerworld", Mozilla is making progress on adding a silent update mechanism to Firefox, with plans to integrate the new service in Firefox 10 early next year.
According to information on the Mozilla website, the current goal for most of the multi-part project remains Firefox 10, slated to ship Jan. 31, 2012. Some pieces, however, have already appeared in release versions -- Firefox 8 implemented a pair of peripheral components -- while others may not land in the browser until after Firefox 10.
If all parts of silent update don't make it into Firefox 10, the next available release dates would be March 13 for Firefox 11, and April 24 for Firefox 12.
Mozilla has been working on silent updating for more than a year. Implementing silent updating would make Firefox only the second browser to offer the feature. Google's Chrome has used automatic, in-the-background updates since its September 2008 debut.
Silent updating would let Mozilla deploy emergency security fixes without bothering users.
