Zero-day suspected in BIND 9 DNS server crashes

Zero-day suspected in BIND 9 DNS server crashes

تاریخ ایجاد

Brief: BIND 9 DNS servers across the web have crashed, with a zero-day vulnerability believed to be the cause.
ID: IRCNE2011111316
Date: 2011-11-19

According to "itpro", A zero-day vulnerability is the suspected cause of BIND 9 DNS server crashes occurring across the web.
BIND 9 is the most widely used DNS server on the internet, meaning the flaw could have a massive impact.
"Organisations across the internet reported crashes interrupting service on BIND 9 nameservers performing recursive queries." the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) said in an advisory.
"ISC is working on determining the ultimate cause by which a record with this particular inconsistency is cached."
ISC, which manages the BIND software, has issued patches to prevent servers from crashing.
"Bind 9 is the most widely used DNS server on the internet today… Gone unchecked, this attack could potentially affect nearly the entire internet," said Matt Barrett, senior solutions architect at Rapid7.
A temporary patch has already been released.
