Microsoft to patch critical Windows 7 bug in update next week

Microsoft to patch critical Windows 7 bug in update next week

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011111307
Date: 2011-11-05

According to "computerworld", Microsoft today said it will issue four security updates next week to patch four vulnerabilities in Windows.
The critical vulnerability affects only Windows Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2, said Microsoft in its monthly advanced warning of Patch Tuesday's roster.
Other than the one critical update, Microsoft's most-serious threat ranking, next week's collection also includes two pegged "important," the next-most-severe tag, and one labeled "moderate." Two of the updates - the critical and one of those marked important - will patch vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit to execute malicious code and potentially commandeer the computer.
But it does not appear that Microsoft will fix a recently-revealed critical Windows kernel bug next week.
"Interestingly, the majority of bulletins only apply to these newer versions of Windows, and XP and Server 2003 users are only affected by Bulletin 3, which is rated important," said Wolfgang Kandek, the chief technology officer of Qualys, in an email today.
