Windows Intune 2.0: Four New Features

Windows Intune 2.0: Four New Features

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011101290
Date: 2011-10-18

Computerworld - Windows Intune, Microsoft's Web-based PC management and security platform, may not get the same level of attention as cloud services like Office 365 or Windows Azure, but Microsoft is betting big on Intune to be the cloud service that will facilitate IT's evolving job of remotely managing PCs.
Yesterday, about seven months after Windows Intune was initially made available, Microsoft is releasing Windows Intune 2.0. With the new version of Intune, IT admins can manage the deployment of Microsoft updates and service packs to all PCs, keep track of hardware and software inventory, fix PC issues remotely, manage protection from malware threats and set security policies. And Windows Intune can be accessed from wherever there's an Internet connection.
