Firefox 6.0 adds clutch of useful security tweaks

Firefox 6.0 adds clutch of useful security tweaks

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011081215
Date: 2011-08-16

According to "techworld", The latest accelerated release for Firefox, version 6.0, arrives this week but what can users expect in advance of the more significant changes promised for version 7.0 later this year? The answer for now is better security.
Almost everything noteworthy is underneath the surface, such as the new permissions feature, which allows cookie, password and pop-up settings to be specified on a site-by-site basis.
An interesting but very subtle security feature is the addition of a checking mechanism for plug-ins, accessed by clicking on the link at the top of the plug-ins tab of the Add-ons Manager.
Previously, Firefox users have had to rely on third-party tools such as the BrowserCheck tool from Qualys to find out whether their add-ons were the latest versions.
Another easy-to-miss security tweak is the highlighting of domain names in the address bar to draw users’ attention when visiting or being pushed to unfamiliar sites.
Firefox 7.0 (‘Aurora’), due in September, has promised to rid the browser of its unpleasant reputation for hogging memory.
The latest version of Firefox can be downloaded without the ‘beta’ moniker from 16 August; betas of Aurora are also now available.
