Fake FlashPlayer for Mac OS X leads to site redirection attacks

Fake FlashPlayer for Mac OS X leads to site redirection attacks

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011081203
Date: 2011-08-02

According to "zdnet",Researchers at F-Secure have intercepted a new malicious threat for Apple’s Mac OS X — a Trojan that redirects users to fake Google web sites.
The Trojan is currently being delivered via fake a Adobe Flash Player (FlashPlayer.pkg) update, F-Secure said in a blog post.
“Even though the [Google] page looks fairly realistic, clicking on any of the links does not take the user to any other sites. Clicking on the links does however open new pop-up pages, which are all pulled from a separate remote server,” F-Secure said.
Apple has struggled recently with scareware attacks on its platform and the latest sighting is further proof that the increase in Mac OS X market share has attracted the attention of malware writers.
