Apple's iOS 4.3.4 jailbroken

Apple's iOS 4.3.4 jailbroken

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071188
Date: 2011-07-19

According to "cnet", Apple last week released its latest iOS update to fix a security flaw exploited by a jailbreaking tool, but the new version--4.3.4--has itself already been jailbroken.
Detailed by the folks at Redmond Pie, the custom PwnageTool now lets users jailbreak any iOS device running iOS 4.3.4 with the exception of the iPad 2. The jailbreak was created and launched Friday, not too long after 4.3.4 was released.
Offering a step-by-step guide for those either brave enough or foolhardy enough to jailbreak their device via the PwnageTool.
Fortunately for Apple and millions of iPhone users, so far we haven't seen massive attacks using this bug in the wild. Now we just have to wait and hope users will install the latest patches as soon as possible.

Apple releases iOS updates to fix PDF vulnerabilities
