Microsoft banning weak Hotmail passwords

Microsoft banning weak Hotmail passwords

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071187
Date: 2011-07-18

According to "itpro", Microsoft has sought to make brute force attacks on email accounts a thing of the past by banning weak passwords.
The Redmond giant said it wants to stop users placing themselves at risk by using passwords like “password,” “123456,” "ilovecats" or "gogiants."
“This new feature will be rolling out soon, and will prevent you from choosing a very common password when you sign up for an account or when you change your password,” said Dick Craddock, group programme manager at Hotmail, in a blog post.
“If you're already using a common password, you may, at some point in the future, be asked to change it to a stronger password.”
