Researcher finds serious vulnerability in Skype

Researcher finds serious vulnerability in Skype

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071185
Date: 2011-07-16

According to "computerworld", A security consultant has notified Skype of a cross-site scripting flaw that could be used to change the password on someone's account, according to details posted online. Skype said it would issue a fix next week.
The problem lies in a field where a person can input their mobile phone number. Kayan wrote that a malicious user can insert JavaScript into the mobile phone field of their profile.
When one of their contacts comes online, the malicious user's profile will be updated, and the JavaScript will be executed when the other contact logs in. Kayan wrote that the other person's session could be hijacked, and it may be possible to gain control of that person's computer. An attacker could also change the password on someone's account.
Skype should be checking the input into the mobile phone field and validating that it is indeed a phone number and not executable code. The problem affects the latest version of Skype,, on Windows XP, Vista and 7 as well as Mac OS X operating system.
