Researchers uncover more Android malware on Google's Market

Researchers uncover more Android malware on Google's Market

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071177
Date: 2011-07-12

According to"computerworld", Security researchers have found more malicious Android apps on Google's official download site and being spread through Chinese app stores.
On Friday, Lookout Security spotted four apps on the Android Market that were infected with a variant of the "DroidDream Light" malware which has now plagued the e-store three times this year.
And today, researchers announced they had found new malware that forced Android smartphones into texting a premium number.
Lookout's find was the third instance of DroidDream-infected applications making it into Google's e-store, following an original run in March and a second in early June. Those two campaigns forced Google to pull over 80 poisoned apps from its store.
On an Android smartphone, DroidDream Light can prompt owners to download other apps from the market, bait users with a malicious URL or even automatically download more apps to the device.
Lookout said one way that Android users can avoid malware is to carefully examine the access permissions an app asks for.

Google removes suspicious apps from Android Market
