Mozilla slates Firefox 5 update to fix Mac OS X 10.7 crash bug

Mozilla slates Firefox 5 update to fix Mac OS X 10.7 crash bug

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011071175
Date: 2011-07-11

According to 'itworld', Mozilla on Friday said it would update Firefox for the Mac to deal with a bug in Apple's impending Lion operating system.
Firefox 5.0.1 is "coming soon," Mozilla announced in a blog post, but did not set a release date. Users running Microsoft Windows or Linux will not see the update.
According to Mozilla, Mac OS X 10.7, aka Lion, contains a bug that causes Firefox 5 to crash when displaying websites that use downloadable fonts.
"We alerted Apple to the problem before the release of 10.7 but they did not fix the problem before 10.7 went to final release," Christopher Blizzard, Mozilla's Web platform director, said on the company's blog.
The bug in Lion will cause "severe crash problems" for Firefox 5 users if it's not fixed, added Blizzard.
Mozilla releases Firefox 5.0.1 for the Mac, the company will also update the older Firefox 3.6 to disable downloadable Web fonts when the browser runs on Lion.
But Blizzard warned Firefox 3.6 users running Lion that they may notice another problem. Mozilla is planning to retire Firefox 3.6 soon , perhaps as early as mid-August after it ships a final security update for the 18-month-old browser.
Mozilla has already changed to the new font APIs in the Mac versions of both Firefox 6 and Firefox 7, the next two versions of the browser. Firefox 6, which reached beta status last week, is slated for an Aug. 16 release, while Firefox 7, now currently in what Mozilla calls its "Aurora" channel, is to ship Sept. 27
