Android security becomes opportunity for McAfee

Android security becomes opportunity for McAfee

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011061154
Date: 2011-06-23

According to "ZDNET", McAfee on Tuesday said it will extend its wares into smartphones and tablets as mobile security moves to the forefront. Tablets and smartphones apparently are the next growth market for anti-virus protection.
And given Android devices are quickly becoming a popular attack vector, McAfee is doubling down on that platform.
Specifically, McAfee announced McAfee Mobile Security and WaveSecure Tablet Edition. The general idea is that the software secures mobile devices as they swap between consumer, work and personal usage.
The McAfee Mobile Security software suite, focuses on protecting a device if stolen or loss and protecting from malware. The suite offers:

  • Backup and data restoration;
  • Remote locking;
  • Alarms in case a device is stolen;
  • Remote data removal;
  • Anti-malware software and phishing detection;
  • A portal to manage multiple devices.

WaveSecure, also focuses on Android and aims to find stolen devices and preserve critical data.
