Panda releases Cloud Antivirus 1.5

Panda releases Cloud Antivirus 1.5

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011061152
Date: 2011-06-21

According to 'thetechherald' Panda has released the latest version of their lightweight, cloud-based security client.
In addition to several community suggested enhancements, it addresses a handful of bugs discovered since the previous release.
Cloud Antivirus’ aim is to pack as much protection as it can into an application that hardly touches the system. In testing, The Tech Herald can confirm that Panda has delivered on their promise, with each new release, and version 1.5 is no exception.
You can tell the difference in speed when version 1.5 is compared to version 1.3. Previously, there would be small hang-ups, as the system seemed to pause when Cloud Antivirus was running a background scan or processing something. It wasn’t a deal breaker when this happened, but it was noticeable on high-usage systems.
After nearly a day of usage, including processing as normal, version 1.5 does not seem to have these issues.
In addition to overall resource usage improvements, there is a new GUI for the installer, a revamped activity monitor that shows scanned files and the last piece of Malware detected, and the ability to exclude files by extension.
Panda fixed an error that caused issues when Cloud Antivirus attempted to register with the Windows Security Center, and the error that prevented some users from opening Cloud Antivirus immediately after installation.
Existing users of Cloud Antivirus will be automatically updated to the latest version.
