Mobile devices in danger of attacks

Mobile devices in danger of attacks

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011061147
Date: 2011-06-18

According to “ITPRO”, less than one in 20 smartphones and tablets run security software protecting them from the growing threat of malware and viruses.
This was the conclusion of a report from Juniper Research released, which claimed just four per cent of mobile devices were safe from the threats, despite the “steady increase” of attacks on portable platforms.
Third party software can protect smartphones and tablets, not just from malware and viruses coming over the networks, but also if the devices are lost or stolen, with a number of applications wiping data from a distance.
Despite the shocking finding, Juniper Research also found a silver lining. “The increasing extent to which personal and corporate data is stored on mobile devices and the recognition of the need to protect it will create a $3.6 billion (£2.21 billion) opportunity for mobile security software providers by 2016,” it claimed.
The report also claimed there would be 277 million mobile devices with software protection installed by the end of 2016, but the majority would be on tablets rather than smartphones.
