Apple helps MacDefender victims

Apple helps MacDefender victims

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2011051120
Date: 2011-05-25

“CNET” reports that Apple yesterday posted instructions for removing MacDefender, the rogue antivirus software that targets Mac OS X users. Additionally the company has said it will be updating its Mac OS to automatically find and remove the software.
Apple support article HT4650, titled "how to avoid or remove Mac Defender malware" includes a description of the software, as well as steps to remove it. Those who come to Apple for support on the issue will be directed toward the article until the fix is delivered, which Apple says should arrive "in the coming days."
News of MacDefender, which is also known as Mac Security and Mac Protector, was published earlier this month by the French security company Intego. The fake antivirus program is designed to trick users into thinking their machine has various malware infections, which it can remove if you pay up with a credit card.
According to “ComputerWorld”, MacDefender was the first piece of professional-looking scareware to target Macs.

Related Links:
New Scareware for Mac OS X
