iPhone 5, iOS 6.1 jailbreak tool released

iPhone 5, iOS 6.1 jailbreak tool released

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2013021747
Date: 2013-02-05

According to "zdnet", A jailbreak tool for the latest iOS 6.1 software for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices has been released, just shy of a week after Apple let loose the latest mobile software.
'Jailbreaking' is the process in which locked-down software is opened up to external applications outside the platform's protective fence. It allows third-party contibutors to gain further access to the device's features, which has spurred on a huge—albeit entirely separate—ecosystem for non-Apple App Store applications.
These apps, available through third-party stores, such as Cydia, often increase device functionality and offer services that would not ordinarily allowed in Apple's strict application ecosystem.
Apple released the latest iOS 6.1 mobile operating system last week, offering support for the new 128GB iPad model, and a feature that allows users to reset the device's unique advertising identifier.
The software update also included support for more 4G LTE networks in a range of European and Middle Eastern countries, and a bevy of security fixes to the platform.
