Google patches 24 Chrome bugs, pays out $29K to bounty hunters

Google patches 24 Chrome bugs, pays out $29K to bounty hunters

تاریخ ایجاد

ID :IRCNE2012091631
Date: 2012-09-29

Computerworld - Google yesterday patched 24 vulnerabilities in Chrome, and paid out $29,500 in bounties to nine researchers, more than half of that to one of the company's most prolific bug finders.
Chrome 22, which Google started pushing to current users on Tuesday, also debuted improvements in how the browser renders 3-D web apps, including games.
The 24 vulnerabilities include one rated "critical," Google's highest threat ranking, 15 tagged "high," five pegged "medium," and three labeled "low."
Critical bugs are rare in Chrome: Yesterday's, in fact, was not in the browser itself but rather in Windows. In Tuesday's update notification, Google called it a "Windows kernel memory corruption" and attributed the report to a pair of researchers at a Finnish company, Documill, that specializes in creating software for accessing Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader documents through a browser.
For their work, Google awarded the pair $5,000. So far in 2012, Google has paid over $290,000 in bounties, a number sure to climb.
Earlier this week, Google released a new version of Chrome for iOS that supports the iPhone 5 and fixes issues with Gmail on iOS 6.
Google also patched Chrome 21 for Macs running OS X 10.5, keeping alive an older branch of the browser.
