Google launches algorithm to sink pirates’ search results

Google launches algorithm to sink pirates’ search results

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012081579
Date: 2012-08-15

According to “ITPro”, Google has announced a change to its search algorithm that will see sites accused of copyright infringement appear lower down its list of search results.
From 13 August, the number of valid copyright removal notices received by the search giant will be used as a signal when generating a list of results. Sites with a high number of ‘take down’ notices will receive a less favourable ranking.
Google says this change should make it easier for users to find legitimate and quality sources of audio-visual content.
Google cannot determine whether a particular webpage does or does not violate copyright law.
In a statement, Google noted it is only courts to decide if copyright has been infringed, so it will not remove pages from search results unless a valid copyright removal notice from the rights owner is received.
"Google cannot determine whether a particular webpage does or does not violate copyright law," the firm said.
"We’ll continue to provide ‘counter-notice’ tools so that those who believe their content has been wrongly removed can get it reinstated. We’ll also continue to be transparent about copyright removals."
Copyright infringement has been on the rise, with the firm saying it now receives more removal notices each day than it did in the whole of 2009.
