Warning: Fake Skype app on Android is malware

Warning: Fake Skype app on Android is malware

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012071540
Date: 2012-07-07

According to "zdnet", a new piece of malware is trying to take advantage of Skype's increasing popularity, especially on mobile devices. Cybercriminals have created a fake version of the Skype for Android app, designed to earn money from unsuspecting users. Trend Micro, which first discovered the malware, is calling this particular threat JAVA_SMSSEND.AB.
The cybercriminals behind this scheme have set up fake websites advertising fake Skype apps. Most of the sites are hosted on Russian domains (.ru) but the fake apps themselves are hosted on Nigerien domains (.ne).
The devil is in the details: in the background, the malicious app sends expensive international text messages to earn its creators revenue.
