Adobe fixes Flash Player for Firefox to stop crashes

Adobe fixes Flash Player for Firefox to stop crashes

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012061537
Date: 2012-06-26

According to "zdnet", Adobe has updated Flash Player to solve a weeks-long problem for users of Mozilla's Firefox browser.
The update, Flash Player 11.3.300.262, was released Thursday and applies only to Firefox on Windows.
Since Adobe shipped an update to Flash Player to 11.3 two weeks ago, users of Firefox, including older editions as well as the current Firefox 13, had reported crashes when trying to access Flash content.
Initial suspicions at Mozilla pointed to Flash Player 11.3's new sandboxed plug-in for Firefox, but yesterday Adobe claimed that there were "different causes" for the crashes.
"We continue to work closely with Mozilla to further improve pre-release testing to more reliably catch issues like these," said Adobe in a Thursday blog.
Flash Player 11.3.300.262 can be downloaded from Adobe's website. Firefox users can also wait for Flash's silent updater to automatically download and install the new plug-in.
