Firefox thumbnails could expose private data

Firefox thumbnails could expose private data

تاریخ ایجاد

ID: IRCNE2012061536
Date: 2012-06-26

According to "zdnet", firefox 13’s new thumbnail tab view could reveal sensitive private data, after Mozilla’s latest browser was found to take “snapshots of the user’s HTTPS session content.”
Users have warned that SSL-protected websites — such as online banking pages and web-mail services — can reveal account numbers and email subject lines as they are ’snapshotted’ and displayed in the browser’s new tab page.
Mozilla admitted there was a “concern” with the browser’s privacy, which was released on June 5, and said there would be a fix “in a future version of Firefox”.
Mozilla said that the thumbnails presented in tab view are based on the user’s browsing history, and can be deleted from the browsing history at any time. Users can also use private browsing mode to prevent the recording of data.
Other browsers have similar features — such as Chrome’s tab view, and Opera’s “speed dial” — and the issue is certainly not new.
